2024 05 07-31

Quadrum South business center, Lithuania
Oil painting

May 7 "Tepliorius Dažytojas" exhibition of paintings by the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Ambassador to Ukraine, Latvia and Belarus and signatory Petros Vaitiekūnas was opened in the Quadrum South business center. Petras Vaitiekūnas speaks modestly about his paintings, which is why he came up with the somewhat ironic name of the exhibition.

"I don't take feedback about my work too seriously. I paint for myself, not wanting to please anyone, I try to somehow adjust the work to the image formed in my head, but it almost never succeeds," Petras Vaitiekūnas says about his work.

The exhibition "Tepliorius Dažytojas" is presented by the Andrej Sakharov Democracy Development Research Center and FGIP - Human Rights in Psychiatry in cooperation with the Ludvikas Jakavičius-Lituvanian Art Foundation. Visiting the exhibition is free.



03-19 05, 2023

Vilnius Townhall, Lithuania
Oil painting

The art exhibition "Maler" presents a large part of more than a hundred works painted by Petras Vaitiekūnas in the last 40 years. The name of the exhibition is not accidental - Petras Vaitiekūnas for a certain moment of time was followed by KGB agents, who gave him the nickname “Maler” which translates to “the painter” from both Russian and German. Physist by education, Vaitiekūnas, participated in secret resistance activities during the Soviet era - he published independent press (in Russian “samizdat”) not only from Lithuania, but from various other countries.

This exhibition has a noble purpose. Five selected paintings will be auctioned in Vilnius Townhall on 19 May, 2023 and anyone who wants can buy these artworks. There will also be a "silent auction", where it will be possible to purchase even more artworks of P. Vaitiekūnas by offering a price in writing. The proceeds from the artworks will be used to provide psychological help to Ukrainians facing various war traumas.

The exhibition is a part of a series of events, organized by the Andrei Sakharov Research Center for Democratic Development to commemorate the birthday of Andrei Sakharov.